Package org.ujac.print.tag

Interface Summary
CommonAttributes Name: CommonAttributes
Description: Defines common tag attributes.
CommonStyleAttributes Name: CommonStyleAttributes
Description: Defines common style attributes.
ImageBuilder Name: ImageBuilder
Description: An interface for image builders, used by the ImageTag class.
RowCellContainer Name: RowCellContainer
Description: An interface for RowCell holding containers.
TagAttributes Name: TagAttributes
Description: Holds the attribute name constants of all print items.

Class Summary
AddColumnTag Name: AddColumnTag
Description: Class handling the <add-column> tag.
AddRowTag Name: AddRowTag
Description: Class handling the <add-row> tag.
AlterColumnTag Name: AlterColumnTag
Description: A tag implementation altering columns at surrounding print-table tags.
AnchorTag Name: AnchorTag
Description: A tag handling document anchors, needed for navigation in documents.
AnnotationTag Name: AnnotationTag
Description: Handler class for the annotation tag.
AssertTag Name: AssertTag
Description: Class handling the <assert> tag.
AttributeTag Name: AttributeTag
Description: Specifies attributes for the surrounding attribute holder.
BackgroundImageTag Name: BackgroundImageTag
Description: A class handling <background-image> items.
BarcodePdf417Tag Name: BarcodePDF417Tag
Description: A class creating PDF-417 barcodes.
BarcodeTag Name: BarcodeTag
Description: A class handling barcode tags.
BaseCellTag Name: BaseCellTag
Description: A base class for cell tags.
BaseElementTag Name: BaseElementTag
Description: Base class for items that can be childs of element containers.
BaseFontTag Name:
Description: Base class for font handling tags.
BaseImageBuilder Name: BaseImageBuilder
Description: Base image builder class.
BaseImageTag Name: BaseImageTag
Description: A base class for image handling tags.
BaseLoopTag Name: BaseLoopTag
Description: A base class for loop tags like the <foreach> and <print-table> tag.
BoldTag Name: BoldTag
Description: A class handling bold font items.
BoxTag Name: BoxTag
Description: Places a text box at a fix position on the current page.
CaseTag Name: CaseTag
Description: A class handling 'case' items.
CellAttributes Title: CellAttributeHolder
Description: Holds cell attributes.
CellTag Name: CellTag
Description: An item handling table cells.
ChapterTag Name: ChapterTag
Description: Handler class for the chapter tag.
ChartTag Name: ChartTag
Description: A class handling 'chart' items.
ColorDefTag Name: ColorDefItem
Description: A class which handles color definitions.
ColumnTextTag Name: ColumnTextTag
Description: A class handling <column-text> tags.
ConditionTag Name:
Description: Base implementation of conditional tags.
CustomTagBuilder Name: CustomTagBuilder
Description: TagBuilder implementation for the creation of custom tags.
CustomTagTag Name: CustomTagTag
Description: Tag handler, defining custom tags for more convenience.
DatamatrixTag Name: DatamatrixTag
Description: A class creating datamatrix codes.
DateFormatTag Title: DateFormatTag
Description: A class handling date-format items.
DefaultTag Name: DefaultTag
Description: A class handling 'default' items.
DefineColumnTag Name: DefineColumnTag
Description: Class handling the <define-column> tag.
DefineTableTag Name: DefineTableTag
Description: Class handling the <define-table> tag.
DocumentTag Name: DocumentTag
Description: A class handling <document> tags.
ElseTag Name:
Description: A class handling else items.
EncryptionTag Name: EncryptionTag
Description: A tag implementation defining the encrpytion for the generated document.
ExtraRowTag Name: ExtraRowTag
Description: Implementation of the handler for a tag which adds a extra rows at the surrounding 'print-row' tag.
FontDefTag Name: FontDefItem
Description: A class which handles font definitions.
FontTag Name: FontTag
Description: A class handling font items.
FooterPartTag Name:
Description: Class handling <footer-part> tags.
FooterTag Name: FooterTag
Description: A class handling footer items.
ForeachTag Name: ForeachTag
Description: A class iterating over a given sequence (list, table etc.) and repeats the nested body for each element of the sequence.
HeaderFooterPartTag Name:
Description: Base class for header and footer part tags.
HeaderFooterTag Name: HeaderFooterTag
Description: Base class for header and footer tags.
HeaderPartTag Name:
Description: Class handling <header-part> tags.
HeaderTag Name: HeaderTag
Description: A class handling header tags.
HeadTag Name: HeadTag
Description: Handler class for tag <head>.
IfTag Name: IfTag
Description: A class handling if items.
ImageTag Name: ImageTag
Description: A class handling image items.
ImportTag Name: ImportTag
Description: Handles the <import> tags.
IndexTag Name: IndexTag
Description: Handler class for the <index> tag.
This tag loops over the table of contents entries, which have been registered during the main document processing step and prints tag entries in alphabetic order which are marked as index relevant.
InsertColumnTag Name: InsertColumnTag
Description: A tag implementation inserting columns into surrounding print-table tags.
InsertDocumentTag Name: InsertDocumentTag
Description: Handler class for the ;lt;insert-document> tag.
ItalicTag Name: ItalicTag
Description: A class handling italiv font items.
ItemsTag Name: ItemsTag
Description: A class handling simple items, added to an surrounding tag, which implements the ItemHolder interface.
ItemTag Name: ItemTag
Description: A class handling simple list items.
JavascriptTag Name: JavascriptTag
Description: Adds javascript code to the document.
ListItemTag Name: ListItemTag
Description: Class handling list-item tags.
ListSymbolTag Name: ListSymbolTag
Description: A class handling the list-symbol tag.
ListTag Name: ListTag
Description: A class handling list tags.
LogTag Name: LogTag
Description: A class handling <log> tags.
MacroDefTag Name: MacroDefTag
Description: A tag defining macros.
MacroTag Name: MacroTag
Description: A tag executing macros of the class.
MetaTag Name: MetaTag
Description: A class handling meta tags.
ModuleTag Name: ModuleTag
Description: A tag to use as root tag for imported files.
NewLineTag Name: NewLineTag
Description: Class handling new-line items.
NewPageTag Name: NewPageTag
Description: Item to force a page break at the document.
NumberFormatTag Title: NumberFormatTag
Description: A class handling number-format items.
OutlineTag Name: OutlineTag
Description: Item handler for PDF outlines.
OverlayTag Name: OverlayTag
Description: A tag for overlaying a specified existing PDF page with dynamic content.
PageFormatTag Name: PageFormatTag
Description: A class handling <page-format> tags.
ParagraphTag Name:
Description: A class handling <paragraph> tags.
ParameterDefTag Name: ParameterDefTag
Description: A class handling ParameterDefinitions.
ParameterTag Name: ParameterTag
Description: A class handling <parameter> tags.
PdfCellBlockTag Name: PdfCellBlockTag
Description: A handler for cell-block items.
PdfCellTag Name: PdfCellTag
Description: A class handling 'cell' items.
PdfImageBuilder Name: PdfImageBuilder
Description: ImageBuilder implementation for PDF format.
PdfTableHeaderTag Name: PdfTableHeaderTag
Description: A class handling document items which define the header cells of the surrounding table.
PdfTableRowTag Name: PdfTableRowTag
Description: A class handling <table-row> tags.
PdfTableSplitTag Name: NewPageTag
Description: Tag to force a page break at the document.
PdfTableTag Name: PdfTableTag
Description: An item handling PDF tables.
PhraseTag Name: PhraseTag
Description: A class handling <phrase> tags.
PrintFooterRowTag Name: PrintHeaderRowTag
Description: A class printing header rows.
PrintGroupRowTag Name: PrintHeaderRowTag
Description: A class printing group rows.
PrintGroupTitleRowTag Name: PrintGroupTitleRowTag
Description: A class printing group start rows.
PrintHeaderRowTag Name: PrintHeaderRowTag
Description: A class printing header rows.
PrintRowTag Name: PrintRowTag
Description: A class printing the contents of the current row of the surrounding print-table tag.
PrintTableTag Name: PrintTableTag
Description: A class iterating over a given table and repeats the nested body for each element of the table.
RasterImageBuilder Name: RasterImageBuilder
Description: ImageBuilder implementation for raster image formats.
RegisterFontTag Name: RegisterFontTag
Description: Handler class for the 'register-font' tag.
RegisterTagTag Name: RegisterTagTag
Description: Handler class for the 'register-tag' tag.
RemoveColumnTag Name: RemveColumnTag
Description: A tag implementation removing columns from surrounding print-table tags.
ResourceBundleTag Name: ResourceBundleTag
Description: A class handling resource bundles.
RowCellTag Name: RowCellTag
Description: Handler class for the tag 'cell-style'.
SectionTag Name: SectionTag
Description: Handler class for the ;lt;section> tag.
SegmentTag Name: SegmentTag
Description: A class handling <segment> tags.
SetFieldTag Name: SetFieldTag
Description: Class handling the <set-field> tag.
SetFormatTag Name: SetFormatTag
Description: Class handling the set-format tag.
SetPropertyTag Name: SetPropertyTag
Description: Class handling the set-property tag.
SpaceTag Name: SpaceTag
Description: A class handling the 'space' item.
SpanTag Name: SpanTag
Description: A class handling Span items.
StickyTag Name: StickyTag
Description: A class marking sticky areas.
StyleDefTag Name: StyleDefItem
Description: A class which handles style definitions.
SubscriptTag Name: SubscriptTag
Description: A class, printing the nested text as sub script.
SuperscriptTag Name: SuperscriptTag
Description: A class, printing the nested text as super script.
SvgImageBuilder Name: SvgImageBuilder
Description: ImageBuilder implementation for SVG format.
SwitchTag Name: SwitchTag
Description: A class handling 'switch' items.
TableTag Name: TableTag
Description: An item handling tables.
TextChartItemTag Name: TextChartItemTag
Description: A class handling <text-chart-item> tags.
TocTag Name: TocTag
Description: Handler class for the <toc> tag.
This tag loops over the table of contents entries, which have been registered during the main document processing step.
TogglePropertyTag Name: SetPropertyTag
Description: Class handling the toggle-property tag.
UnderlineTag Name: UnderlineTag
Description: A class handling underline font items.
ViewerPreferencesTag Name: ViewerPreferencesTag
Description: A class defining the viewer preferences for the generated document.
WatermarkTag Name: WatermarkTag
Description: A class handling <watermark> tags.

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