Uses of Class

Packages that use FormatHelper

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.print

Methods in org.ujac.print that return FormatHelper
 FormatHelper DocumentPrinter.getFormatHelper()
          Gets the format helper.
 FormatHelper DocumentHandler.getFormatHelper()
          Gets the format helper.

Methods in org.ujac.print with parameters of type FormatHelper
 void DocumentPrinter.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Sets the format helper.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.print.test

Fields in org.ujac.print.test declared as FormatHelper
protected  FormatHelper BasePrintTest.formatHelper
          The format helper to use.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util

Constructors in org.ujac.util with parameters of type FormatHelper
DefaultTypeConverter(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a DefaultTypeConverter instance with specific attributes.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.exi

Methods in org.ujac.util.exi that return FormatHelper
 FormatHelper ExpressionContext.getFormatHelper()
          Getter method for the the property formatHelper.

Methods in org.ujac.util.exi with parameters of type FormatHelper
 boolean ExpressionInterpreter.evalBoolean(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Boolean.
 boolean ExpressionInterpreter.evalBoolean(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Boolean.
 Date ExpressionInterpreter.evalDate(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Date.
 Date ExpressionInterpreter.evalDate(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Date.
 double ExpressionInterpreter.evalDouble(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a double.
 double ExpressionInterpreter.evalDouble(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a double.
 Object ExpressionInterpreter.evalExpr(ExpressionTuple expr, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates an expression.
 float ExpressionInterpreter.evalFloat(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a float.
 float ExpressionInterpreter.evalFloat(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a double.
 int ExpressionInterpreter.evalInt(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as an integer.
 int ExpressionInterpreter.evalInt(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as an int.
 long ExpressionInterpreter.evalLong(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a long.
 long ExpressionInterpreter.evalLong(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as an long.
 Object ExpressionInterpreter.evalObject(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as an Object.
 Object ExpressionInterpreter.evalObject(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as an Object.
 String ExpressionInterpreter.evalString(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a String.
 String ExpressionInterpreter.evalString(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a String.
 Time ExpressionInterpreter.evalTime(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Time.
 Time ExpressionInterpreter.evalTime(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Time.
 Timestamp ExpressionInterpreter.evalTimestamp(String text, Map params, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Timestamp.
 Timestamp ExpressionInterpreter.evalTimestamp(String text, Map params, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Evaluates a text, which is likely to contain expressions as a Time.
 void ExpressionContext.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Setter method for the the property formatHelper.

Constructors in org.ujac.util.exi with parameters of type FormatHelper
ExpressionContext(Map properties, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a ExpressionContext instance with specific attributes.
ExpressionContext(Map properties, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a ExpressionContext instance with specific attributes.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.exi.test

Fields in org.ujac.util.exi.test declared as FormatHelper
protected  FormatHelper BaseExpressionTest.formatHelper
          The format helper to use.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.exi.type

Methods in org.ujac.util.exi.type with parameters of type FormatHelper
protected  String DateType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String CharType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String BaseType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected abstract  String BaseDateType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String DoubleType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String FloatType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String TimestampType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String ByteType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String LongType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String ShortType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String TimeType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.
protected  String IntegerType.execToString(ExpressionTuple expr, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Executes the toString operation.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.table

Methods in org.ujac.util.table that return FormatHelper
 FormatHelper FilteredTable.getFormatHelper()
          Getter method for the the property formatHelper.
 FormatHelper BaseTable.getFormatHelper()
          Getter method for the the property formatHelper.
 FormatHelper Table.getFormatHelper()
          Getter method for the the property formatHelper.
 FormatHelper ReportTable.getFormatHelper()
          Getter method for the the property formatHelper.

Methods in org.ujac.util.table with parameters of type FormatHelper
 void FilteredTable.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Setter method for the the property formatHelper.
 void BaseTable.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Setter method for the the property formatHelper.
 void Table.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Setter method for the the property formatHelper.
 void ReportTable.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Setter method for the the property formatHelper.

Constructors in org.ujac.util.table with parameters of type FormatHelper
BaseTable(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a BaseTable instance with no specific arguments.
BeanTable(FormatHelper formatHelper, Class dataType)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
BeanTable(FormatHelper formatHelper, Class dataType, ColumnFilter columnFilter)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
BeanTable(FormatHelper formatHelper, List itemList)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
BeanTable(FormatHelper formatHelper, List itemList, ColumnFilter columnFilter)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
DataTable(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a DataTable instance with no specific arguments.
ResultSetTable(ResultSet resultSet, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a DataTable instance with specific arguments.
ResultSetTable(ResultSet resultSet, FormatHelper formatHelper, DataTypeMapper dataTypeMapper)
          Constructs a DataTable instance with no specific arguments.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.template

Methods in org.ujac.util.template with parameters of type FormatHelper
 TemplateContext DefaultTemplateInterpreterFactory.createTemplateContext(Map properties, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Creates a TemplateContext instance.
 TemplateContext TemplateInterpreterFactory.createTemplateContext(Map properties, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Creates a TemplateContext instance.

Constructors in org.ujac.util.template with parameters of type FormatHelper
TemplateContext(Map properties, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a TemplateContext instance with specific attributes.
TemplateContext(Map properties, Object bean, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a ExpressionContext instance with specific attributes.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.text

Methods in org.ujac.util.text that return FormatHelper
static FormatHelper FormatHelper.createInstance()
          Creates an FormatHelper instance according to the registered prototype.
static FormatHelper FormatHelper.createInstance(Locale locale)
          Creates an FormatHelper instance according to the registered prototype.
static FormatHelper FormatHelper.createIsoInstance()
          Creates an FormatHelper instance according to the registered prototype.
 FormatHelper FormatHelper.getInstance(Locale locale)
          Gets an instance of the FormatHelper for the given locale.

Methods in org.ujac.util.text with parameters of type FormatHelper
static void FormatHelper.setPrototype(FormatHelper prototype)
          Defines the format helper prototype.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.util.types

Methods in org.ujac.util.types with parameters of type FormatHelper
 Object DoubleType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object DataType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Converts the given value into an instance of this type.
 Object StringType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object FloatType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object TimestampType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object ShortType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object LongType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object BooleanType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object TimeType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object IntegerType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 Object DateType.convertObject(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String DoubleType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String DataType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          FormatsConverts the given value into an instance of this type.
 String StringType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String FloatType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String TimestampType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String ShortType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String LongType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String BooleanType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String TimeType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String IntegerType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)
 String DateType.formatValue(Object value, FormatHelper formatHelper)

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.web.servlet

Methods in org.ujac.web.servlet that return FormatHelper
static FormatHelper TemplateInterpreterHelper.getFormatHelper(HttpServletRequest request)
          Gets the FormatHelper instance for the given request.
static FormatHelper TemplateInterpreterHelper.getFormatHelper(PageContext pageContext)
          Gets the ExpressionInterpreter instance for the given request.

Uses of FormatHelper in org.ujac.web.tag

Methods in org.ujac.web.tag that return FormatHelper
 FormatHelper EvalTag.getFormatHelper()
          Getter method for the the property formatHelper.

Methods in org.ujac.web.tag with parameters of type FormatHelper
 void EvalTag.setFormatHelper(FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Setter method for the the property formatHelper.

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