Uses of Class

Packages that use TemplateException

Uses of TemplateException in org.ujac.print

Methods in org.ujac.print that throw TemplateException
 String DocumentHandler.executeTemplate(String templateSource)
          Executes the given template source.

Uses of TemplateException in org.ujac.util.exi

Subclasses of TemplateException in org.ujac.util.exi
 class ExpressionException
          Title: ExpressionException
Description: A class used to report exceptions, that occur in class ExpressionInterpreter.
 class NoOperandException
          Name: NoOperandException
Description: An exception that is thrown if a requested operand is not defined.
 class OperandException
          Name: NoOperandException
Description: The base class for operand related exceptions
 class OperandNotSupportedException
          Name: OperandNotSupportedException
Description: An exception that is thrown if an operand is defined, but no one is supported at the speecific method.
 class TypeCastException
          Name: TypeCastException
Description: An exception that is thrown in case a type cast failed.

Uses of TemplateException in org.ujac.util.template

Subclasses of TemplateException in org.ujac.util.template
 class AssertionException
          Name: AssertionException
Description: A class for assertion failures thrown by the ExpressionInterpreter.
 class StatementException
          Name: StatementException
Description: A class used to report exceptions, that occur in class ExpressionInterpreter when handling statements.

Methods in org.ujac.util.template that throw TemplateException
protected  void ProcedureToken.execute(List arguments, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Calls the procedure.
 String BaseTemplateInterpreter.execute(String template, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 String DefaultTemplateInterpreter.execute(String template, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 String TemplateInterpreter.execute(String template, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void BaseTemplateInterpreter.execute(String template, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void DefaultTemplateInterpreter.execute(String template, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void TemplateInterpreter.execute(String template, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void BaseTemplateInterpreter.execute(TemplateRoot template, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void DefaultTemplateInterpreter.execute(TemplateRoot template, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void TemplateInterpreter.execute(TemplateRoot template, Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Executes the given template.
 void BaseConditionToken.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
 void LogToken.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
 void TemplateRoot.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
abstract  void TemplateToken.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
 void ForeachToken.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
 void CallprocToken.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
 void IfToken.execute(Writer writer, TemplateContext ctx)
          Excecutes the statement token.
 void DefineToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void ProcedureToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void ElseToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void LogToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void TemplateToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void ElseifToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void ForeachToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void AssertToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void CallprocToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 void IfToken.initialize(BaseTemplateInterpreter interpreter, char[] source, int position, int length)
          Initializes the token.
 TemplateRoot DefaultTemplateInterpreter.parse(char[] source)
          Parses the given template source code.
 TemplateRoot BaseTemplateInterpreter.parse(char[] source, int offset, int length)
          Parses the given template source code.
 TemplateRoot BaseTemplateInterpreter.parse(String source)
          Parses the given template source code.
 TemplateRoot DefaultTemplateInterpreter.parse(String source)
          Parses the given template source code.
 TemplateRoot TemplateInterpreter.parse(String source)
          Parses the given template source code.
abstract  int BaseTemplateInterpreter.parse(TemplateTokenContainer tokenContainer)
          Parses the given template token.
 int DefaultTemplateInterpreter.parse(TemplateTokenContainer tokenContainer)
          Parses the given template token.

Constructors in org.ujac.util.template that throw TemplateException
TemplateRoot(char[] source, int position, int length)
          Constructs a TemplateRoot instance with specific attributes.

Uses of TemplateException in org.ujac.util.template.test

Methods in org.ujac.util.template.test that throw TemplateException
 void TemplateTest.testAssert()
          Tests the _assert_ statement.
 void TemplateTest.testDefine()
          Tests the _define_ statement.
 void TemplateTest.testExtendedForeach()
          Extended tests for the execution of _foreach_ statements.
 void TemplateTest.testForeach()
          Tests the execution of _foreach_ statements.
 void TemplateTest.testIfElseifElseEndif()
          Tests the _if_ _elseif_ _else_ _endif_ statement.
 void TemplateTest.testLog()
          Tests the _log_ statement.
 void TemplateTest.testMapEntriesLoop()
          Extended tests for the execution of _foreach_ statements.
 void ProcedureTest.testProcedures()
          Tests statements executing procedures.
 void ProcedureTest.testRecursion()
          Tests statements executing recursive procedures.
 void ProcedureTest.testRecursionGlobal()
          Tests statements executing recursive procedures.
 void TemplateTest.testUnderscores()
          Tests the execution of templates, containing underscores.

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