Uses of Class

Packages that use TableException

Uses of TableException in org.ujac.print.test

Methods in org.ujac.print.test that throw TableException
 void TableTest.testDefineColumn()
          Tests table output using the define column tag.
 void TableTest.testDynamicTable()
          Tests table output with static layout.
 void ReportTest.testEnforceResultRow()
          Tests enforceResultRow flag.
 void ReportTest.testReport()
          Tests the report output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSetFormat()
          Tests the <set-format> tag.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSetProperty()
          Tests the <set-property> tag.
 void TableTest.testStaticTableLayout()
          Tests table output with static layout.
 void TableTest.testTableOutputPerformances()
          Tests table output performance.

Uses of TableException in org.ujac.util.table

Subclasses of TableException in org.ujac.util.table
 class ColumnAlreadyDefinedException
Description: Exceptions used if the column to add already was defined.
 class ColumnNotDefinedException
          Name: ColumnNotDefinedException
Description: Exceptions used if the desired column does not exist.
 class OperationNotSupportedException
          Name: OperationNotSupportedException
Description: Class for exceptions, telling that the called method is not supported by the called implementation.
 class RowNotDefinedException
          Name: RowNotDefinedException
Description: Exceptions used if the desired column does not exist.
 class TypeMismatchException
          Name: TypeMismatchException
Description: Exceptions used if the type of a value doesn't match the type of the referring column.

Methods in org.ujac.util.table that throw TableException
 Table FilteredTable.addBoolean(String name, boolean value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addBoolean(String name, boolean value)
          Adds a column of type boolean to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addBoolean(String name, boolean value)
          Adds a column of type boolean to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addBoolean(String name, boolean value)
 Table DataTable.addBoolean(String name, boolean value)
          Adds a column of type boolean to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addDate(String name, Date value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addDate(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addDate(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addDate(String name, Date value)
 Table DataTable.addDate(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addDouble(String name, double value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addDouble(String name, double value)
          Adds a column of type double to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addDouble(String name, double value)
          Adds a column of type double to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addDouble(String name, double value)
 Table DataTable.addDouble(String name, double value)
          Adds a column of type double to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addFloat(String name, float value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addFloat(String name, float value)
          Adds a column of type float to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addFloat(String name, float value)
          Adds a column of type float to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addFloat(String name, float value)
 Table DataTable.addFloat(String name, float value)
          Adds a column of type float to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addInt(String name, int value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addInt(String name, int value)
          Adds a column of type int to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addInt(String name, int value)
          Adds a column of type int to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addInt(String name, int value)
 Table DataTable.addInt(String name, int value)
          Adds a column of type int to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addLong(String name, long value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addLong(String name, long value)
          Adds a column of type long to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addLong(String name, long value)
          Adds a column of type long to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addLong(String name, long value)
 Table DataTable.addLong(String name, long value)
          Adds a column of type long to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addString(String name, String value)
 Table Table.addString(String name, String value)
          Adds a column of type String to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addString(String name, String value)
 Table DataTable.addString(String name, String value)
          Adds a column of type String to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addTime(String name, Date value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addTime(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addTime(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addTime(String name, Date value)
 Table DataTable.addTime(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table FilteredTable.addTimestamp(String name, Date value)
 Table ResultSetTable.addTimestamp(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table Table.addTimestamp(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table ReportTable.addTimestamp(String name, Date value)
 Table DataTable.addTimestamp(String name, Date value)
          Adds a column of type Date to the table and sets its initial value at the first row.
 Table BaseTable.copyTable()
          Copies the table.
 Table Table.copyTable()
          Copies the table.
static int TableHelper.getColumnTypeId(String columnTypeName)
          Gets the ID from the given column type name.
static String TableHelper.getColumnTypeName(int columnTypeId)
          Gets the ID from the given column type name.
 Set BaseTable.getDistinctValues(int columnIdx)
          Gets the distinct values of the specified column.
 Set Table.getDistinctValues(int columnIdx)
          Gets the distinct values of the specified column.
 Set BaseTable.getDistinctValues(String columnName)
          Gets the distinct values of the specified column.
 Set Table.getDistinctValues(String columnName)
          Gets the distinct values of the specified column.
static DataTable ResultSetReader.readTable(ResultSet rs)
          Reads a table from a given result set.
static DataTable ResultSetReader.readTable(ResultSet rs, DataTypeMapper dataTypeMapper)
          Reads a table from a given result set.
 void FilteredTable.setFilterRule(RowFilterRule filterRule)
          Sets the filter rule.
 void ExpressionRowFilterRule.setup(Table table)
          Sets up the rule.
 void NotRowFilterRule.setup(Table table)
          Sets up the rule.
 void RowFilterRuleSet.setup(Table table)
          Sets up the rule.
 void BaseRowFilterRule.setup(Table table)
          Sets up the rule.
 void RowFilterRule.setup(Table table)
          Sets up the rule.
 boolean ExpressionRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean LikeRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean NotRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean RowFilterRuleSet.test(Row row)
 boolean BetweenRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean LessEqualsRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean GreaterEqualsRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean GreaterRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean LessRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean RowFilterRule.test(Row row)
          Tests the filter rule for the given row.
 boolean InRowFilterRule.test(Row row)
 boolean EqualsRowFilterRule.test(Row row)

Constructors in org.ujac.util.table that throw TableException
BeanTable(FormatHelper formatHelper, List itemList)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
BeanTable(FormatHelper formatHelper, List itemList, ColumnFilter columnFilter)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
BeanTable(List itemList)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
BeanTable(List itemList, ColumnFilter columnFilter)
          Constructs a BeanTable instance with specific attributes.
FilteredTable(Table dataTable)
          Constructs a FilteredTable instance with specific attributes.
FilteredTable(Table dataTable, RowFilterRule filterRule)
          Constructs a FilteredTable instance with specific attributes.
PivotTable(Table dataTable, String[] groupColumns, String columnKey, String dataKey, FunctionExecutor function)
          Constructs a PivotTable instance with specific attributes.
ResultSetTable(ResultSet resultSet)
          Constructs a DataTable instance with specific arguments.
ResultSetTable(ResultSet resultSet, FormatHelper formatHelper)
          Constructs a DataTable instance with specific arguments.
ResultSetTable(ResultSet resultSet, FormatHelper formatHelper, DataTypeMapper dataTypeMapper)
          Constructs a DataTable instance with no specific arguments.

Uses of TableException in org.ujac.util.table.test

Methods in org.ujac.util.table.test that throw TableException
 void FilteredTableTest.testBetweenRowFilterRule()
          Tests the InRowFilterRule.
 void FunctionExecutorTest.testCountFunctionExecutor()
          Tests the CountFunctionExecutor
 void FilteredTableTest.testEqualsRowFilterRule()
          Tests the EqualsRowFilterRule.
 void FilteredTableTest.testExpressionRowFilterRule()
          Tests the ExpressionRowFilterRule.
 void FilteredTableTest.testFilteredTableCopy()
          Tests the copyTable method for FilteredTables.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithoutFunctionsAndTitles()
          Tests the report output.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithoutFunctionsAndTitlesAndEnforcedResults()
          Tests the report output.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithoutTitleRow()
          Tests the report output.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithTitleRowResults()
          Tests the report output.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithTitleRowResults2()
          Tests the report output.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithTitleRows()
          Tests the report output.
 void ReportTableTest.testGroupBlockWithTitleRows2()
          Tests the report output.
 void FilteredTableTest.testInRowFilterRule()
          Tests the InRowFilterRule.
 void FilteredTableTest.testLikeRowFilterRule()
          Tests the LikeRowFilterRule.
 void FilteredTableTest.testNotRowFilterRule()
          Tests the NotRowFilterRule.
 void PivotTableTest.testPivotTableCount()
          Tests the creation of a PivotTable.
 void PivotTableTest.testPivotTableCountSingleGroup()
          Tests the creation of a PivotTable.
 void PivotTableTest.testPivotTableSum()
          Tests the creation of a PivotTable.
 void PivotTableTest.testPivotTableSumSingleGroup()
          Tests the creation of a PivotTable.
 void ReportTableTest.testReportTableCopy()
          Tests the report output.
 void FilteredTableTest.testRowFilterRuleSet()
          Tests the RowFilterRuleSet.
 void FunctionExecutorTest.testSumFunctionExecutor()
          Tests the SumFunctionExecutor

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