Uses of Class

Packages that use ColumnAlreadyDefinedException

Uses of ColumnAlreadyDefinedException in org.ujac.util.table

Methods in org.ujac.util.table that throw ColumnAlreadyDefinedException
 Column BaseTable.addColumn(String name, boolean key, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column BaseTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column Table.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column DataTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column Table.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column DataTable.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column BeanTable.addColumn(String name, int type, Method getter)
          Adds a column to the table
 void FilteredTable.orderColumns(String[] columnNames)
          Sets the new order for the report columns according to the list of given column names.
 void BaseTable.orderColumns(String[] columnNames)
          Orders the sequence of report columns according to the list of given column names.
 void Table.orderColumns(String[] columnNames)
          Orders the sequence of report columns according to the list of given column names.
 void ReportTable.orderColumns(String[] columnNames)
          Sets the new order for the report columns according to the list of given column names.
 void BaseTable.renameColumn(Column column, String name)
          Renames a column.
 void Table.renameColumn(Column column, String name)
          Renames a column.

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