Uses of Interface

Packages that use Column

Uses of Column in org.ujac.print.tag

Classes in org.ujac.print.tag that implement Column
 class PrintTableTag.DummyColumn
          Name: DummyColumn
Description: A class for dummy columns which are added through the insert-column tag.

Methods in org.ujac.print.tag that return Column
 Column[] PrintTableTag.getVisibleColumns()
          Gets all visible columns.

Uses of Column in org.ujac.util.table

Classes in org.ujac.util.table that implement Column
 class BeanColumn
          Name: BeanColumn
Description: A class for columns, holding getter and setter methods to support java bean access.
 class DefaultColumn
          Name: DefaultColumn
Description: Default column implementation.

Methods in org.ujac.util.table that return Column
 Column BaseTable.addColumn(String name, boolean key, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column FilteredTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
 Column BaseTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column ResultSetTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column Table.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column ReportTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
 Column DataTable.addColumn(String name, int type)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column FilteredTable.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
 Column ResultSetTable.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column Table.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column ReportTable.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
 Column DataTable.addColumn(String name, int type, LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column BeanTable.addColumn(String name, int type, Method getter)
          Adds a column to the table
 Column FilteredTable.getColumn(int index)
 Column BaseTable.getColumn(int index)
          Gets the column at the given index.
 Column Table.getColumn(int index)
          Gets the column at the given index.
 Column ReportTable.getColumn(int index)
 Column FilteredTable.getColumn(String name)
 Column BaseTable.getColumn(String name)
          Gets the column with the given name.
 Column Table.getColumn(String name)
          Gets the column with the given name.
 Column ReportTable.getColumn(String name)
 Column[] FilteredTable.getVisibleColumns()
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] BaseTable.getVisibleColumns()
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] Table.getVisibleColumns()
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] ReportTable.getVisibleColumns()
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] FilteredTable.getVisibleColumns(int levelFilter)
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] BaseTable.getVisibleColumns(int levelFilter)
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] Table.getVisibleColumns(int levelFilter)
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column[] ReportTable.getVisibleColumns(int levelFilter)
          Gets all visible columns.
 Column Column.setAlias(String alias)
          Sets the colum alias.
 Column DefaultColumn.setAlias(String alias)
          Sets the colum alias.
 Column Column.setDataIndex(int dataIndex)
          Sets the data index.
 Column DefaultColumn.setDataIndex(int dataIndex)
          Sets the data index.
 Column Column.setFormat(Format format)
          Sets the colum format.
 Column DefaultColumn.setFormat(Format format)
          Sets the colum format.
 Column Column.setFormat(String format)
          Sets the colum format.
 Column DefaultColumn.setFormat(String format)
          Sets the colum format.
 Column Column.setIndex(int index)
          Sets the colum index.
 Column DefaultColumn.setIndex(int index)
          Sets the colum index.
 Column Column.setKey(boolean key)
          Sets the key flag.
 Column DefaultColumn.setKey(boolean key)
          Sets the key flag.
 Column Column.setLayoutHints(LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Sets the layout hints.
 Column DefaultColumn.setLayoutHints(LayoutHints layoutHints)
          Sets the layout hints.

Methods in org.ujac.util.table with parameters of type Column
 void BaseTable.renameColumn(Column column, String name)
          Renames a column.
 void Table.renameColumn(Column column, String name)
          Renames a column.

Uses of Column in org.ujac.web.tag

Methods in org.ujac.web.tag that return Column
 Column[] PrintTableTag.getVisibleColumns()
          Gets all visible columns.

Methods in org.ujac.web.tag with parameters of type Column
protected  void PrintTableTag.setColumnAttributes(Column column, List columnAttributes)
          Sets the column styles.

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