Uses of Interface

Packages that use StyleHolder

Uses of StyleHolder in org.ujac.print

Fields in org.ujac.print declared as StyleHolder
protected  StyleHolder BaseDocumentTag.styleParent
          The parent style holder.

Uses of StyleHolder in org.ujac.print.tag

Subinterfaces of StyleHolder in org.ujac.print.tag
 interface RowCellContainer
          Name: RowCellContainer
Description: An interface for RowCell holding containers.

Classes in org.ujac.print.tag that implement StyleHolder
 class BaseCellTag
          Name: BaseCellTag
Description: A base class for cell tags.
 class BoxTag
          Name: BoxTag
Description: Places a text box at a fix position on the current page.
 class CellTag
          Name: CellTag
Description: An item handling table cells.
 class ChapterTag
          Name: ChapterTag
Description: Handler class for the chapter tag.
 class DocumentTag
          Name: DocumentTag
Description: A class handling <document> tags.
 class ExtraRowTag
          Name: ExtraRowTag
Description: Implementation of the handler for a tag which adds a extra rows at the surrounding 'print-row' tag.
 class FooterPartTag
Description: Class handling <footer-part> tags.
 class FooterTag
          Name: FooterTag
Description: A class handling footer items.
 class HeaderFooterPartTag
Description: Base class for header and footer part tags.
 class HeaderFooterTag
          Name: HeaderFooterTag
Description: Base class for header and footer tags.
 class HeaderPartTag
Description: Class handling <header-part> tags.
 class HeaderTag
          Name: HeaderTag
Description: A class handling header tags.
 class ParagraphTag
Description: A class handling <paragraph> tags.
 class PdfCellBlockTag
          Name: PdfCellBlockTag
Description: A handler for cell-block items.
 class PdfCellTag
          Name: PdfCellTag
Description: A class handling 'cell' items.
 class PdfTableHeaderTag
          Name: PdfTableHeaderTag
Description: A class handling document items which define the header cells of the surrounding table.
 class PdfTableRowTag
          Name: PdfTableRowTag
Description: A class handling <table-row> tags.
 class PdfTableTag
          Name: PdfTableTag
Description: An item handling PDF tables.
 class PhraseTag
          Name: PhraseTag
Description: A class handling <phrase> tags.
 class PrintFooterRowTag
          Name: PrintHeaderRowTag
Description: A class printing header rows.
 class PrintGroupRowTag
          Name: PrintHeaderRowTag
Description: A class printing group rows.
 class PrintGroupTitleRowTag
          Name: PrintGroupTitleRowTag
Description: A class printing group start rows.
 class PrintHeaderRowTag
          Name: PrintHeaderRowTag
Description: A class printing header rows.
 class PrintRowTag
          Name: PrintRowTag
Description: A class printing the contents of the current row of the surrounding print-table tag.
 class PrintTableTag
          Name: PrintTableTag
Description: A class iterating over a given table and repeats the nested body for each element of the table.
 class RowCellTag
          Name: RowCellTag
Description: Handler class for the tag 'cell-style'.
 class SectionTag
          Name: SectionTag
Description: Handler class for the ;lt;section> tag.
 class TableTag
          Name: TableTag
Description: An item handling tables.

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