Uses of Interface

Packages that use NewPageHandler

Uses of NewPageHandler in org.ujac.print.tag

Classes in org.ujac.print.tag that implement NewPageHandler
 class ChapterTag
          Name: ChapterTag
Description: Handler class for the chapter tag.
 class ColumnTextTag
          Name: ColumnTextTag
Description: A class handling <column-text> tags.
 class DocumentTag
          Name: DocumentTag
Description: A class handling <document> tags.
 class SectionTag
          Name: SectionTag
Description: Handler class for the ;lt;section> tag.
 class SegmentTag
          Name: SegmentTag
Description: A class handling <segment> tags.

Fields in org.ujac.print.tag declared as NewPageHandler
protected  NewPageHandler NewPageTag.newPageHandler
          The new page handler.

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