Uses of Interface

Packages that use ElementContainer

Uses of ElementContainer in org.ujac.print

Classes in org.ujac.print that implement ElementContainer
 class DynamicContentContainer
          Name: DynamicContentContainer
Description: A container tag holding results of dynamic content evaluation.

Fields in org.ujac.print declared as ElementContainer
protected  ElementContainer DynamicContentContainer.elementContainer
          The element container.

Methods in org.ujac.print that return ElementContainer
 ElementContainer DocumentHandler.latestElementContainer()
          Gets the first item from the top of the stack that implements the ElementContainer interface.

Uses of ElementContainer in org.ujac.print.tag

Classes in org.ujac.print.tag that implement ElementContainer
 class BaseCellTag
          Name: BaseCellTag
Description: A base class for cell tags.
 class BoxTag
          Name: BoxTag
Description: Places a text box at a fix position on the current page.
 class CaseTag
          Name: CaseTag
Description: A class handling 'case' items.
 class CellTag
          Name: CellTag
Description: An item handling table cells.
 class ChapterTag
          Name: ChapterTag
Description: Handler class for the chapter tag.
 class ColumnTextTag
          Name: ColumnTextTag
Description: A class handling <column-text> tags.
 class ConditionTag
Description: Base implementation of conditional tags.
 class DefaultTag
          Name: DefaultTag
Description: A class handling 'default' items.
 class DocumentTag
          Name: DocumentTag
Description: A class handling <document> tags.
 class ElseTag
Description: A class handling else items.
 class FooterPartTag
Description: Class handling <footer-part> tags.
 class ForeachTag
          Name: ForeachTag
Description: A class iterating over a given sequence (list, table etc.) and repeats the nested body for each element of the sequence.
 class HeaderFooterPartTag
Description: Base class for header and footer part tags.
 class HeaderPartTag
Description: Class handling <header-part> tags.
 class HeadTag
          Name: HeadTag
Description: Handler class for tag <head>.
 class IfTag
          Name: IfTag
Description: A class handling if items.
 class IndexTag
          Name: IndexTag
Description: Handler class for the <index> tag.
This tag loops over the table of contents entries, which have been registered during the main document processing step and prints tag entries in alphabetic order which are marked as index relevant.
 class ListItemTag
          Name: ListItemTag
Description: Class handling list-item tags.
 class ListSymbolTag
          Name: ListSymbolTag
Description: A class handling the list-symbol tag.
 class MacroDefTag
          Name: MacroDefTag
Description: A tag defining macros.
 class ParagraphTag
Description: A class handling <paragraph> tags.
 class PdfCellTag
          Name: PdfCellTag
Description: A class handling 'cell' items.
 class PhraseTag
          Name: PhraseTag
Description: A class handling <phrase> tags.
 class RowCellTag
          Name: RowCellTag
Description: Handler class for the tag 'cell-style'.
 class SectionTag
          Name: SectionTag
Description: Handler class for the ;lt;section> tag.
 class SegmentTag
          Name: SegmentTag
Description: A class handling <segment> tags.
 class TocTag
          Name: TocTag
Description: Handler class for the <toc> tag.
This tag loops over the table of contents entries, which have been registered during the main document processing step.
 class WatermarkTag
          Name: WatermarkTag
Description: A class handling <watermark> tags.

Methods in org.ujac.print.tag that return ElementContainer
 ElementContainer BoxTag.getElementContainer()
          Gets the element container.
 ElementContainer BaseElementTag.getElementContainer()
          Gets the element container.

Uses of ElementContainer in org.ujac.print.test

Fields in org.ujac.print.test declared as ElementContainer
 ElementContainer ExampleTag.elementContainer
          The surrounding element container.

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