Uses of Class

Packages that use DocumentHandlerException

Uses of DocumentHandlerException in org.ujac.print

Subclasses of DocumentHandlerException in org.ujac.print
 class AssertionException
          Name: AssertionException
Description: A class for assertion failures thrown by the <assert> tag.
 class TagAttributeException
Description: An exception class for tag attribute errors.
 class TagInstantiationException
Description: An exception class thrown in case a tag could not be instantiated by a tag factory.

Methods in org.ujac.print that throw DocumentHandlerException
 void CellContainer.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void PdfCellContainer.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a PDF cell to the container.
 void DynamicContentContainer.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
 void PhraseHolder.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag tag, com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, String chunk, DocumentFont font, float fixedLeading, float lineSpacing)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void DynamicContentContainer.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
 void PhraseHolder.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.addChunk(com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, float fixedLeading, float lineSpacing)
          Adds the current content to the given root phrase while taking care of ${pageCount} expressions.
 void DynamicContentContainer.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
 void ElementContainer.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.addToLatestCellContainer(com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds the cell at the latest parent item.
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.addToLatestElementContainer(com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds the element at the latest parent item.
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.addToLatestPdfCellContainer(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds the cell at the latest parent item.
 void TestTagInterceptor.afterClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 void TraceTagInterceptor.afterClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 void DocumentTagInterceptorSupport.afterClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 void DocumentTagInterceptor.afterClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
          Action to do after the close tag method is called.
 void TestTagInterceptor.afterOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 void TraceTagInterceptor.afterOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 void DocumentTagInterceptorSupport.afterOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 void DocumentTagInterceptor.afterOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
          Action to do before the open tag method is called.
 boolean TestTagInterceptor.beforeClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 boolean TraceTagInterceptor.beforeClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 boolean DocumentTagInterceptorSupport.beforeClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 boolean DocumentTagInterceptor.beforeClose(BaseDocumentTag tag)
          Action to do after the close tag method is called.
 boolean TestTagInterceptor.beforeOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 boolean TraceTagInterceptor.beforeOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 boolean DocumentTagInterceptorSupport.beforeOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
 boolean DocumentTagInterceptor.beforeOpen(BaseDocumentTag tag)
          Action to do before the open tag method is called.
 void BaseDocumentTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DynamicContentContainer.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
protected  DocumentFont BaseDocumentTag.createFont(String family, String encoding, float size, int style, float textRise, Color color)
          Creates the item's font according to the item's attributes.
 DocumentFont DocumentHandler.createFont(String fontName, String encoding, float size, int style, float textRise, Color color)
          Creates a font according to the given attributes.
protected  void AbstractTagTest.doIt()
          Performs the tests, sets the testPassed flag, in case the test was successful.
 void DefaultContentFilter.filterContents(BaseDocumentTag tag, String contents, int offset, StringBuffer outputBuffer)
 void ContentFilter.filterContents(BaseDocumentTag tag, String contents, int offset, StringBuffer outputBuffer)
          Filters the given contents
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.filterContents(BaseDocumentTag tag, String contents, StringBuffer buffer, boolean trimHead)
          Processes the escape sequences from the given content string and writes the result into the given buffer.
 void DocumentTransformHelper.finish()
          Finishes the document processing.
 boolean PdfTableHolder.fitsPage()
          Checks whether the table fits the current page or not.
 void BaseDocumentTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void DynamicContentContainer.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 com.lowagie.text.Document DocumentHandler.getDocument(boolean openDocumentRequired)
          Gets the document.
 void BaseDocumentTag.handleContent(PhraseHolder phraseHolder)
          Adds the current content to the given PhraseHolder while taking care of ${pageCount} expressions.
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.handleFontAttributes()
          Handles the font attributes.
 com.lowagie.text.Document NewPageHandler.handleNewPage(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle size, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle margins)
          Handles a new page request.
 void BaseDocumentTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DynamicContentContainer.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
protected  boolean BaseDocumentTag.isValid()
          Checks whether the condition is valid or not.
 void BaseDocumentTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DynamicContentContainer.openItem()
 int DefaultStyleParser.parseStyle(Locator locator, String styleDef, Map supportedAttributeMap, Map styleMap)
          Scans the styles from the given string.
 int StyleParser.parseStyle(Locator locator, String styleDef, Map supportedAttributeMap, Map styleMap)
          Scans the styles from the given string.
abstract  void AbstractTagTest.performTest()
          Performs the test.
 void BaseDocumentTag.preInitialize()
          Pre-initializes the item.
 Result DocumentTransformHelper.prepare(OutputStream outputStream, boolean supportToc)
          Prepares for XSLT transformation using SAXResult.
protected  DocumentHandler DocumentPrinter.printDocument(DocumentHandler documentHandler, InputSource templateSource, List modules)
          Prints the document to the given output stream.
 DocumentHandler DocumentPrinter.printDocument(OutputStream outputStream)
          Prints the document to the given output stream.
 DocumentHandler DocumentPrinter.printDocument(OutputStream outputStream, boolean supportToc)
          Prints the document to the given output stream.
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.printPhrase(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate template, com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, float xPos, float yPos)
          Prints a phrase into the given template.
 com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.processContents(BaseDocumentTag tag, com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, String contents, DocumentFont font, float fixedLeading, float lineSpacing)
          Processes the given contents an adds the computed elements to the given phrase.
 com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.processContents(float fixedLeading, float lineSpacing)
          Creates a chunk for the current content.
protected  int DefaultContentFilter.processEscapeSequence(BaseDocumentTag tag, String contents, int offset, StringBuffer outputBuffer)
          Processes the escape sequence at offset position in the given contents string and prints the translated characters to the given output buffer.
protected  void DefaultAttributeHandler.processEscapeSequences(Locator locator, String attrName, String contents, StringBuffer buffer, boolean trimHead)
          Processes the escape sequences from the given content string and writes the result into the given buffer.
protected  com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.rotatePhrase(com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, float rotate)
          Rotates the given phrase.
 com.lowagie.text.DocWriter DocumentHandler.setDocument(com.lowagie.text.Document document)
          Sets the document and initializes the document writer.
 void ParameterHolder.setParameter(String name, Object value)
          Sets a parameter.
 void ParameterDefHolder.setParameterDef(ParameterDefinition parameterDef)
          Sets a parameter definition.
 void DocumentDataAccessor.shutdown()
          Shuts down the document content handler.
 boolean PdfTableHolder.splitTable(boolean newPage, boolean keepHeader)
          Splits the table vertically.
 void DocumentDataAccessor.startup()
          Starts up the document content handler.
 Object DefaultAttributeHandler.typeCastAttributeValue(Locator locator, AttributeDefinition attrDef, String attrName, Object value)
          Casts the given object value into a the correct type for the specified attribute definition.
 Object AttributeHandler.typeCastAttributeValue(Locator locator, AttributeDefinition attrDef, String attrName, Object value)
          Casts the given object value into a the correct type for the specified attribute definition.
protected  Object BaseDocumentTag.typeCastValue(String text, String type)
          Gets a well typed value for the given one.

Uses of DocumentHandlerException in org.ujac.print.tag

Methods in org.ujac.print.tag that throw DocumentHandlerException
 void ForeachTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void TocTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void ConditionTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void CellTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void IndexTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void TableTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void MacroDefTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Cell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void PdfTableTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a cell to the table.
 void ForeachTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void TocTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void PdfTableRowTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a PDF cell to the container.
 void PdfTableHeaderTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a PDF cell to the container.
 void ConditionTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void IndexTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a cell to the container.
 void PdfCellBlockTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a PDF cell to the container.
 void MacroDefTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a PDF cell to the container.
 void BaseCellTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a PDF cell to the container.
 void PrintTableTag.addCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a cell to the table.
 void BaseFontTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ForeachTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ColumnTextTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void WatermarkTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void TocTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ConditionTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void IndexTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void PhraseTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void BaseCellTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Chunk chunk)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void BaseFontTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ForeachTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ParagraphTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ColumnTextTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void WatermarkTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void TocTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ConditionTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void IndexTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ListSymbolTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
 void ListItemTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void PhraseTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void BaseCellTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ForeachTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void ParagraphTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void SegmentTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void ColumnTextTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void WatermarkTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void TocTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void ConditionTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void CellTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void IndexTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void SectionTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
 void HeadTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void ListSymbolTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
 void ListItemTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void PhraseTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void MacroDefTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void DocumentTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void BaseCellTag.addElement(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.Element element)
          Adds a element to the container.
 void PdfTableTag.addHeaderCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a header cell to the table.
 void PrintTableTag.addHeaderCell(BaseDocumentTag item, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell)
          Adds a header cell to the table.
 void PrintTableTag.alterColumn(String name, float width, int hAlign, String title, String defaultContents)
          Alters a column at the table.
protected  com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell BaseCellTag.buildCell()
          Builds a table cell according to the tags contents and attributes.
 void BarcodePdf417Tag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void DatamatrixTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void DefineTableTag.closeItem()
          Closes the tag.
 void NumberFormatTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void BaseFontTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ParameterDefTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void BarcodeTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void PrintHeaderRowTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ChapterTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void PageFormatTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void InsertColumnTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PdfTableTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ParameterTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ImportTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ParagraphTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void BaseLoopTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SegmentTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ColumnTextTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SwitchTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ItemTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void WatermarkTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void PdfTableSplitTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SpaceTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void BoxTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DateFormatTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void TextChartItemTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void BackgroundImageTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void LogTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void RegisterTagTag.closeItem()
 void AnchorTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PdfTableRowTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PdfCellTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DefineColumnTag.closeItem()
 void RowCellTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void InsertDocumentTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void PdfTableHeaderTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void NewPageTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ConditionTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void ImageTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void ItemsTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void CellTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ExtraRowTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void AnnotationTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void StickyTag.closeItem()
 void SectionTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void NewLineTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void HeadTag.closeItem()
          In case the document handler's includeHeaderSection is set, the head will be executed here.
 void ListSymbolTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void MacroTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void ListItemTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void TableTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void AlterColumnTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PrintRowTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PdfCellBlockTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PhraseTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void OverlayTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void AddRowTag.closeItem()
          Closes the tag.
 void MacroDefTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void OutlineTag.closeItem()
 void DocumentTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void RegisterFontTag.closeItem()
 void ListTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void BaseCellTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void CustomTagTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void JavascriptTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PrintTableTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
protected  void BaseFontTag.createFont()
          Creates the item's font according to the item's attributes.
protected  void OutlineTag.createOutline(float y)
          Creates the outline at the given vertical position
protected  void ChapterTag.createSection()
          Creates the iText section element.
protected  void SectionTag.createSection()
          Creates the iText section element.
 void PrintTableTag.defineColumn(String name, float width, int hAlign, String title, String defaultContents)
          Defines a column for the table.
 boolean PdfTableTag.fitsPage()
          Checks whether the table fits the current page or not.
 boolean PrintTableTag.fitsPage()
          Checks whether the table fits the current page or not.
 void BaseFontTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void ForeachTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void ParagraphTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void ColumnTextTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void WatermarkTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void TocTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void ConditionTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void IndexTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void ListItemTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void PhraseTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 void BaseCellTag.flushContent()
          Flushes the content buffer.
 com.lowagie.text.Image BaseImageTag.getImage()
          Gets the image to insert into the document.
 com.lowagie.text.Image WatermarkTag.getImage()
          Gets the image to insert into the document.
 com.lowagie.text.Image ChartTag.getImage()
          Gets the image to insert into the document.
protected  void FontDefTag.handleFontAttributes()
          Handles the font attributes.
protected  void FontTag.handleFontAttributes()
          Handles the font attributes.
 com.lowagie.text.Document ChapterTag.handleNewPage(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle size, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle margins)
          Handles a new page request.
 com.lowagie.text.Document SegmentTag.handleNewPage(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle size, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle margins)
          Handles a new page request.
 com.lowagie.text.Document ColumnTextTag.handleNewPage(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle size, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle margins)
          Handles a new page request.
 com.lowagie.text.Document SectionTag.handleNewPage(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle size, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle margins)
          Handles a new page request.
 com.lowagie.text.Document DocumentTag.handleNewPage(com.lowagie.text.Rectangle size, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle margins)
          Handles a new page request.
 void BarcodePdf417Tag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void AddColumnTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DatamatrixTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DefineTableTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void NumberFormatTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void AssertTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BaseFontTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void SetPropertyTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ParameterDefTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BarcodeTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void EncryptionTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ChapterTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void MetaTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PageFormatTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void FontDefTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void InsertColumnTag.initialize()
 void PdfTableTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ParameterTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ImportTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ForeachTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ParagraphTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BaseLoopTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ColumnTextTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void SwitchTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void SetFieldTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ItemTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void WatermarkTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PdfTableSplitTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void SpaceTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BoxTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DateFormatTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void TocTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void TextChartItemTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void FooterPartTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DefaultTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BackgroundImageTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void LogTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void RegisterTagTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void AnchorTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PdfTableRowTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PdfCellTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DefineColumnTag.initialize()
 void RowCellTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void HeaderFooterTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void AttributeTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ChartTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PdfTableHeaderTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void TogglePropertyTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void NewPageTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ConditionTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BaseElementTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ImageTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ItemsTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void StyleDefTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void CellTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void HeaderPartTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ExtraRowTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void IndexTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void StickyTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void SetFormatTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void SectionTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void NewLineTag.initialize()
 void HeadTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ListSymbolTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void MacroTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void IfTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ColorDefTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ListItemTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ElseTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void TableTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void AlterColumnTag.initialize()
 void PrintRowTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PdfCellBlockTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ViewerPreferencesTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PhraseTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ResourceBundleTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void AddRowTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void MacroDefTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void OutlineTag.initialize()
 void RemoveColumnTag.initialize()
 void RegisterFontTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void CaseTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ListTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BaseCellTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void CustomTagTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PrintTableTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PrintTableTag.insertColumn(String name, float width, int hAlign, String title, String reference, int direction, String defaultContents)
          Inserts a column into the table.
 void BarcodePdf417Tag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void AddColumnTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DatamatrixTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DefineTableTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void AssertTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BaseFontTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetPropertyTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BarcodeTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PrintHeaderRowTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void EncryptionTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ChapterTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void MetaTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PageFormatTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void FontDefTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfTableTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ParameterTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ParagraphTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BaseLoopTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SegmentTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ColumnTextTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SwitchTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ItemTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void WatermarkTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfTableSplitTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SpaceTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BoxTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void UnderlineTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void TocTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void TextChartItemTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void FooterPartTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DefaultTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BackgroundImageTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BoldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SubscriptTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfTableRowTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfCellTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void RowCellTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void HeaderFooterTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ItalicTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void AttributeTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ChartTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void FooterTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfTableHeaderTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void TogglePropertyTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void NewPageTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ConditionTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BaseElementTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ImageTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ItemsTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void StyleDefTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void CellTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void HeaderPartTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ExtraRowTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void IndexTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void StickyTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void FontTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetFormatTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SectionTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SpanTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void MacroTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void IfTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ColorDefTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ListItemTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ElseTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void HeaderTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void TableTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PrintRowTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfCellBlockTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ViewerPreferencesTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SuperscriptTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PhraseTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ResourceBundleTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void OverlayTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void AddRowTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void MacroDefTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void OutlineTag.openItem()
 void DocumentTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void RemoveColumnTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void CaseTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ListTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BaseCellTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void CustomTagTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PrintTableTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PdfTableTag.openItem(boolean resetData)
          Opens the item.
 void PrintTableTag.openItem(boolean resetData)
          Opens the item.
 void ExtraRowTag.outputRow()
          Performs the row output.
 void PrintRowTag.outputRow(Row currentRow)
          Performs the row output.
protected  void HeaderFooterPartTag.parseContent(String content)
          Parses the item's content.
protected  void BaseLoopTag.postLoopChildItems()
          Method called, after the child items are printed.
protected  void PrintTableTag.postLoopChildItems()
          Method called after the child items are printed.
protected  void BaseLoopTag.postRepeatChildItems()
          Post-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  void SegmentTag.postRepeatChildItems()
          Post-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  void PrintTableTag.postRepeatChildItems()
          Post-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  void BaseLoopTag.preLoopChildItems()
          Method called, before the child items are printed.
protected  void PrintTableTag.preLoopChildItems()
          Method called before the child items are printed.
protected  boolean BaseLoopTag.preRepeatChildItems()
          Pre-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  boolean SegmentTag.preRepeatChildItems()
          Pre-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  boolean TocTag.preRepeatChildItems()
          Pre-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  boolean IndexTag.preRepeatChildItems()
          Pre-processes the child items of the foreach item.
protected  boolean PrintTableTag.preRepeatChildItems()
          Pre-processes the child items of the foreach item.
 void RowCellContainer.registerRowCell(RowCellTag rowCell)
          Registers the given cell style for the specified column name.
 void PrintRowTag.registerRowCell(RowCellTag rowCell)
          Registers the given cell style for the specified column name.
 void PrintTableTag.removeColumn(String name)
          Removes a column from the table.
protected  void BaseLoopTag.repeatChildItems()
          Repeating the child items of the foreach item.
protected  void HeaderFooterPartTag.repeatChildItems()
          Repeating the child items of the foreach item.
 void AddRowTag.setFieldValue(String fieldName, String value)
          Sets a value for the new row.
 void ChartTag.setParameter(String name, Object value)
 void DocumentTag.setParameterDef(ParameterDefinition parameterDef)
          Sets a parameter definition.
 void ListTag.setupList()
          Added by Kiran Creates a list based on the type given.
 boolean PdfTableTag.splitTable(boolean newPage, boolean keepHeader)
          Splits the table vertically.
 boolean PrintTableTag.splitTable(boolean newPage, boolean keepHeader)
          Splits the table vertically.

Uses of DocumentHandlerException in org.ujac.print.tag.acroform

Methods in org.ujac.print.tag.acroform that throw DocumentHandlerException
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField TextFieldAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField ComboBoxAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField CheckBoxAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField PostButtonAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField HiddenFieldAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField ResetButtonAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField SelectListAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField RadioGroupAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField RadioButtonAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
abstract  com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField BaseAcroFieldTag.addFormField(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAcroForm form)
          Adds a field to the given AcroForm.
 void OptionTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void BaseAcroFieldTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void OptionTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void RadioButtonAcroFieldTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void TextFieldAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ComboBoxAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void CheckBoxAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PostButtonAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void OptionTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void HiddenFieldAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void ResetButtonAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SelectListAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void RadioGroupAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void RadioButtonAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void BaseAcroFieldTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField CheckBoxAcroFieldTag.render(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle fieldPosition)
          Renders the form field into the current document.
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField RadioButtonAcroFieldTag.render(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle fieldPosition)
 com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfFormField BaseAcroFieldTag.render(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer, com.lowagie.text.Rectangle fieldPosition)
          Renders the form field into the current document.

Uses of DocumentHandlerException in

Methods in that throw DocumentHandlerException
 void DrawCurveTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SetFillColorTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void GraphicsTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void PointTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SetLineCapTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SetLineJoinTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SetStrokeColorTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DrawRectangleTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DrawCircleTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DrawEllipseTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DrawPolyLineTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DrawLineTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void DrawPolygonTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SetLineDashTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void SetLineWidthTag.closeItem()
          Closes the item.
 void GraphicsTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void BaseGraphicsTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void PointTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void DrawCurveTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetFillColorTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void GraphicsTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void PointTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetLineCapTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetLineJoinTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetStrokeColorTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DrawRectangleTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DrawCircleTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DrawEllipseTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DrawPolyLineTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DrawLineTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void DrawPolygonTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetLineDashTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
 void SetLineWidthTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.

Uses of DocumentHandlerException in org.ujac.print.test

Methods in org.ujac.print.test that throw DocumentHandlerException
 void ExampleTag.closeItem()
          Processes the item.
 void ExampleTag.initialize()
          Initializes the item.
 void ExampleTag.openItem()
          Opens the item.
protected  void BasePrintTest.printDocument(String destFile)
          Prints the document to the given destination.
protected  void BasePrintTest.printDocument(String destFile, boolean supportToc)
          Prints the document to the given destination.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testAcroForm()
          Tests AcroForm output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testAnchor()
          Tests anchor handling.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testBarcode()
          Tests barcode output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testChartInstance()
          Tests chart instance output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testCharts()
          Tests chart output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testColor()
          Tests color handling.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testColumnText()
          Tests column text usage.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testConditions()
          Tests conditional tag evaluation.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testCustomTags()
          Tests custom tag handling.
 void TableTest.testDefineColumn()
          Tests table output using the define column tag.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testDefineTable()
          Tests the <define-table> tag.
 void TableTest.testDynamicTable()
          Tests table output with static layout.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testEncryption()
          Tests usage of document encryption.
 void ReportTest.testEnforceResultRow()
          Tests enforceResultRow flag.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testFont()
          Tests font handling.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testGraphics()
          Tests graphic output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testHeaderFooter()
          Tests header/footer usage.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testI18n()
          Tests internationalization.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testImages()
          Tests image output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testList()
          Tests list output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testLog()
          Tests log output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testOverlay()
          Tests usage of overlays.
 void ReportTest.testReport()
          Tests the report output.
 void OptionalPrinterTests.testResources()
          Tests the access of remote resources.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSection()
          Tests chapter and section output.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSegments()
          Tests handling of segments.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSetFormat()
          Tests the <set-format> tag.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSetProperty()
          Tests the <set-property> tag.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSpecialCharacters()
          Tests the <set-format> tag.
 void TableTest.testStaticTable()
          Tests static table output.
 void TableTest.testStaticTableLayout()
          Tests table output with static layout.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testSticky()
          Tests handling of sticky tags.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testStyle()
          Tests the <style-def> tag.
 void TableTest.testTableLayout()
          Tests table layout.
 void TableTest.testTableOutputPerformances()
          Tests table output performance.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testToc()
          Tests TOC handling.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testVerticalSpacing()
          Tests handling of vertical spacings.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testViewerPreferences()
          Tests usage of viewer preferences.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testWatermark()
          Tests usage of watermarks.
 void DocumentPrinterTest.testWhitespaces()
          Tests whitespace handling output.

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