Uses of Class

Packages that use DocumentFont

Uses of DocumentFont in org.ujac.print

Fields in org.ujac.print declared as DocumentFont
static DocumentFont BaseDocumentTag.DEFAULT_FONT
          The default font.

Methods in org.ujac.print that return DocumentFont
protected  DocumentFont BaseDocumentTag.createFont(String family, String encoding, float size, int style, float textRise, Color color)
          Creates the item's font according to the item's attributes.
 DocumentFont DocumentHandler.createFont(String fontName, String encoding, float size, int style, float textRise, Color color)
          Creates a font according to the given attributes.
 DocumentFont BaseDocumentTag.getFont()
          Gets the font from the surrounding FontHolder tag.
 DocumentFont FontHolder.getFont()
          Gets the font.
 DocumentFont DocumentHandler.getFont(String name)
          Gets the font with the given name.
 DocumentFont BaseDocumentTag.getLocalFont()
          Gets the locally defined font.

Methods in org.ujac.print with parameters of type DocumentFont
 com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag tag, com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, String chunk, DocumentFont font, float fixedLeading, float lineSpacing)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void DynamicContentContainer.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
 void PhraseHolder.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
protected  com.lowagie.text.Chunk BaseDocumentTag.createChunk(String text, DocumentFont font)
          Creates a new chunk.
protected  com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate BaseDocumentTag.ensureNumberOfPagesTemplate(DocumentFont font, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte cb)
          Ensures the 'number of pages' template for the given font.
 Font DocumentHandler.getAwtFont(DocumentFont font)
          Gets the BaseFont for the given font name and style.
 com.lowagie.text.Phrase BaseDocumentTag.processContents(BaseDocumentTag tag, com.lowagie.text.Phrase phrase, String contents, DocumentFont font, float fixedLeading, float lineSpacing)
          Processes the given contents an adds the computed elements to the given phrase.
 void DocumentHandler.registerFont(String name, DocumentFont font)
          Registers the font with the given name.
protected  void BaseDocumentTag.setLocalFont(DocumentFont localFont)
          Sets the local font.

Uses of DocumentFont in org.ujac.print.tag

Fields in org.ujac.print.tag declared as DocumentFont
protected  DocumentFont BaseFontTag.font
          The font.

Methods in org.ujac.print.tag that return DocumentFont
 DocumentFont BaseFontTag.getFont()
          Gets the font.
 DocumentFont FontDefTag.getFont()
          Gets the font.
 DocumentFont HeaderFooterTag.getFont()
          Gets the font.
 DocumentFont SectionTag.getTitleFont()
          Getter method for the the property titleFont.

Methods in org.ujac.print.tag with parameters of type DocumentFont
 void BaseFontTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ForeachTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ParagraphTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ColumnTextTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void HeaderFooterPartTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void WatermarkTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void TocTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ConditionTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void IndexTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void ListSymbolTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
 void ListItemTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void PhraseTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
 void BaseCellTag.addChunk(BaseDocumentTag item, String chunk, DocumentFont font)
          Adds the given chunk to the root phrase.
protected  Font ChartTag.awtFontFromDocumentFont(DocumentFont font)
          Converts the given iText font into a AWT font.

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